Roger Beebe will have his first show in Wilmington since 2018 with a new program of 16mm multi-projector performances!
The program features several newer works (un arbre (2024, 4 x 16mm + video), Lineage (for Norman McLaren) (2019, 4 x 16mm), de rerum natura (2019, 3 x 16mm + video), Home Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry (2021, 4 x 16mm), alongside some of his best-known projector performances (including the seven-projector show-stopping Last Light of a Dying Star (2008/2011). He will also include a sampling of recent essayistic videos, presented as live-narrated documentaries. These works take on a range of topics from the forbidden pleasures of men crying [Historia Calamitatum (The Story of My Misfortunes)] to the racial politics of font choices (The Comic Sans Video) and the real spaces of the virtual economy (Amazonia).
Tickets can be purchased through the Jengo’s Playhouse website.

April 8, 2025
7:30 pm
Jengo's Playhouse - 815 Princess Street